( ********************************************************************* File: ETSIPRI.F Author: Dencom Inc. - www.dencom-inc.com Date: March 20, 1998 Description: The ETSI PRI test script can setup/teardown a single call or generate a continuous load to setup/teardown multiple calls. This script uses dynamic message building. All messages are built using source code [not the Message Builder], and can be modified within the test script during execution. The ETSI PRI test script consists of four files: - ETSIPRI.F -> test script loader file - ETSIPRI1.F -> variables, constants, user defined words - ETSIPRI2.F -> commands to build IEs and messages - ETSIPRI3.F -> state machine definition Requires: - OS 3.0 Rev28 or greater - ISDN Emulation V4.1 or greater - CCITT 1988 Message Set R03 or greater How to Use: 1. Copy this test script [four .TXT files] to the PT Series: - prepare a DOS diskette to copy the ASCII files to. You MUST use a double density [720 KB] DOS diskette formatted on your PC with a label. The diskette MUST be formatted with a label. Copy the files from your PC to this diskette - place the DOS diskette into the floppy disk drive on the left [DR0:] of the PT Series - go to the "DOS-Files" topic. Press F2 [Copy]. Enter the file name "DR0:ETSIPRI.TXT" in the text field labelled "Copy file:". Enter the file name again in the text field labelled "to file:" and specify the destination drive [example WD2] and an extension of .F ie: Copy file: DR0:ETSIPRI.TXT to file: WD2:ETSIPRI.F Copy file: DR0:ETSIPRI1.TXT to file: WD2:ETSIPRI1.F Copy file: DR0:ETSIPRI2.TXT to file: WD2:ETSIPRI2.F Copy file: DR0:ETSIPRI3.TXT to file: WD2:ETSIPRI3.F 2. Load the ISDN Emulation. 3. Load the ETSI_PRI.F test script. NOTE: If you have a Dual PRI tester, you can run this script from Port 1 [example user] to Port 2 [example network] to see how it works. Most of the source code that builds the messages and IEs and determines how the state machine works is hardcoded. This source code can be modified by the user for your specific needs. The manuals required to develop this test script are the ISDN User Manual, ETSI_102 Message Set Manual and the Programmer's Reference Manual. For automatic ISDN simulation without the use of test scripts, see the Acacia Clarinet at www.dencom-inc.com. ********************************************************************* ) #IFDEF LOADFILES FORGET LOADFILES #ENDIF : LOADFILES " ETSI_102" LOAD_MESSAGE_SET " ETSIPRI1.F" DUP LOCATE_FILE DROP EXEC " ETSIPRI2.F" DUP LOCATE_FILE DROP EXEC " ETSIPRI3.F" DUP LOCATE_FILE DROP EXEC ; LOADFILES